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 (MUN) UN Model


Participants in the UN model simulate diplomatic simulations (committees) dealing with a global global crisis. Participants are challenged to democratically agree on a written decision with officially discussed ideas, which answer why and how the decision will be implemented. The UN model operates according to the rules of procedure governing legislative bodies such as the UN, these rules allow equal representation of participants regardless of group power dynamics by allocating time to the individual and formal standards of conduct maintained by the UN. "R" The facilitator of each committee.


What are the 4 principles?

Communicate ideas clearly and specifically through speech and writing.

Persuade and negotiate with others to achieve goals.

Research information and data that will strengthen their arguments.

Diplomatic politeness is the basis for making good impressions and working with others.

How It Works?

Each participant is assigned a state to represent as the state ambassador. The representatives meet in committees that discuss a global crisis, the representatives investigate the relationship of the state they represent to the same issue / crisis and prepare a statement to present their idea to colleagues. Through a guiding and informal discussion and critical thinking, delegates weight their ideas working together to garner the support of a majority of their colleagues for a final vote, to ensure the success of their committee.  

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